Pseudolaureola deharvengi

picture by Damien Brouste 4 CC-BY-NC

Suborder UnterordnungOniscidea
SpeciesArtPseudolaureola deharvengi


Their colour is yellowish and sometimes they have colourful spots, though the colouration varies from individual to individual. 2

Size in mm2.2 – 4.1
Number of pleopodal trachea5
Eyes9 ommatids –
Smaller individuals have only six ommatids
AntennulaThe distal part of the two articles is about three times longer than the basal one
Form of uropodsprotopod exopodit absent or very reduced
Form of telsonhourglass-shaped –
distal part distinctly narrower than the basal part and and bearing a few very short setae
Surfacemany tubercules and bristles
Body formthe pleon is very shortened
Modifications on malesexopods of the first male pleopod very reduced or absent


They were only found in forests so far. 2


This species was first found in New Caledonia (Northern Province, Kaala-Gomen) and has since been spotted there again. 1 3 4


Telson dorsal view

Like the whole body, the telson is covered in bristles and little hairs. 2

Telson ventral view

The outer endite of the maxillulae has eleven teeth, all whole but two of which are are very small and difficult to see.

The outer endite has two big pencilli.

The right mandible has one very short teeth and one normal sized and the left mandible two intermedial and one molar teeth. 2

First description

Dalens, H. (1998) Isopodes terrestres de Nouvelle-Caledonie. II. Sur une nouvelle espece du genre Pseudolaureola (Crustacea, Oniscidea). Zoosystema 20(1): 93-100. 


Deharveng’s False Triumphant Pill Woodlouse


This species was dedicated by Henri Dalens to his colleague L. Deharveng who, with A. Bedos, collected the first specimens. 2

1. by Damien Brouste
2. Dalens, H. (1998) Isopodes terrestres de Nouvelle-Caledonie. II. Sur une nouvelle espece du genre Pseudolaureola (Crustacea, Oniscidea). Zoosystema 20(1): 93-100. 
3. by Damien Brouste
4. by Damien Brouste

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